Safe Summer Driving Tips from All Chemical
We’ve all been there: You’re driving in the right lane, ready to take an exit in a few moments, when suddenly someone decides to make a mad dash across multiple lanes of traffic, cutting in front of you. You blast your horn at the offender, who goes sailing blissfully down the highway, off to some cookout or Fourth of July fireworks display while you’re left shaken from the close call.
Frustrating—and dangerous. Scenes like this can be even more common as summer brings a host of challenging driving conditions. But not to worry; as a leader in safety-conscious driving for our bulk liquid transport industry, we at All Chemical are here to share our wisdom and observations with you.
Safety-Conscious Summer Driving
Our rigorously trained drivers can all attest to our enthusiasm for road safety! With all of our drivers successfully completing the Smith System driver trainings, we’re continually reinforcing crash-prevention skills and knowledge to demonstrate our commitment to responsible driving – no matter the season.
So, as the summer months get underway, we aren’t just preparing our drivers for the changing conditions. We also have you in mind. Rather than simply wishing everyone luck as they hit the roads, we encourage all drivers to take extra precautions and know what to expect.
Summertime’s fireworks, cookouts, and beach days fill the roads with vacationers. With the increased adventuring and celebrating, more cars on the road also mean more traffic and a higher potential for distracted driving:
- Parents fielding kids’ requests and refereeing backseat squabbles
- Out-of-towners looking up directions
- “Summer tunes” enthusiasts fiddling with audio settings
- Cars full of friends too busy talking and laughing to pay close enough attention to the road
Plus, summer means high school and college graduations, and an influx of enthusiastic new drivers eager to explore their newfound freedom. Younger drivers won’t have the same level of experience behind the wheel, so extra patience and alertness is key—not just for new drivers, but for all the rest of us who are sharing the road with them. All Chemical encourages experienced drivers to set a positive example by maintaining proper safety protocol on the roads and reminding young drivers to stay alert and responsible.
Be Prepared for Changing Road Conditions
Inexperienced or distracted drivers aren’t summer’s only challenge. Severe weather events can bring rain, wind, and generally poorer visibility conditions, creating hazards for all types of drivers. Be sure to check the forecast before setting out and adjust your driving accordingly.
In addition, construction is more prevalent in warm weather months than it is during winter, so unexpected travel delays become par for the course. At All Chemical, we are all too familiar with the delays caused by summer construction. For us, it’s second nature to stay informed of road construction before heading out.
Casual drivers, however, often don’t know to factor this construction increase into their plans. That’s why we advise drivers to check for road construction and other traffic delays ahead of time to ensure a safe and efficient trip.
While summer can be a great opportunity to explore the world around us, it’s important to stay safe on the roads. As we wish you all a Happy Fourth of July, All Chemical encourages all drivers this season to take extra precautions and practice safety-conscious driving. Let’s make everyone’s summer journeys as safe and comfortable as possible!
And if you’re looking for a safety-conscious trucking company to handle your bulk liquid transport needs, give us a ring! We’re always on the job—fireworks and cookouts notwithstanding.