Customer Testimonials

We strive to provide unparalleled customer service to our trusted partners and customers. Since 1978, we have built valuable relationships with various Fortune 500 companies across a multitude of industries. Top-of-the-line innovation, consistency, and delivering the best possible service are just some of the benefits of working with All Chemical.

Take a look at what our customers have to say about working with us:

“Coyne Chemical has been an All Chemical client for over 40 years, and we have never looked back. The moment I give All Chemical a valuable delivery for one of my top customers, I know everything will be handled smoothly. Their communication is wonderful, and they provide efficient and helpful responses to my questions. Everyone on the team is on time, professional and knowledgeable, especially the dispatch and delivery. The quality of the tankers is the icing on the cake for us.”

-Sue Wolkowicz, Purchasing/Dispatcher for Coyne Chemical Company

“All Chemical is a great chemical transportation partner for Astro Chemical. Their efficiency and flexibility is unparalleled, particularly in regard to the drop and swap of tankers and handling complex loads. Their customer service is great. They provide friendly service and the people we regularly interact with make the experience for us.”

-Kari Diamons, Partner at Astro Chemicals

“All Chemical was recommended to Odyssey Logistics by a coworker and it has been an excellent experience. They are able to handle any load with absolute proficiency and superb customer service. The moment I make a hand off, I know I won’t have to think about it again. Their vast industry knowledge gives us peace of mind. I have needed to call on their team in numerous emergency recovery situations and ask for the impossible, and they deliver each and every time. Because of their wonderful team, our organization is held in the highest regards by our customers. All Chemical has proven to be #1 time and time again. They are the best of the best.”

-Trudy Wendt, Logistics Coordinator and Load Planner at Odyssey Logistics

“The All Chemical team is the best. When we’re in a bind, we call Jim (Director of Operations) to work his magic each and every time.”

-Jessica Hunter, Customer Service Representative at Lanxess Corporation

“All Chemical gives us the ability to service our large, mutual customers. The team knows how to make things happen. They offer services and equipment that other carriers don’t, and provide an impressive level of expertise in the field. Their quick response times and friendly demeanors are a plus. Keep up the great work, All Chemical!”

-Violet Smith, Coordinator at Odyssey Logistics

“We have been working with All Chem for over 2 years and have had zero issues. They are efficient, organized, and timely. Most importantly, their team has minimized any incurred cost that would be passed along to my customer. Besides a perfect working relationship, All Chemical has made working in a complicated industry much easier.”

-Shantil Johnson, Operations Account Manager at Stolt

“All Chemical provides consistent hassle free deliveries, top notch professionalism and great knowledge of the industry. Their ability to plan ahead alongside clear invoices has made working with them a true pleasure.”

-Gershom Ruiz, Logistics Supervisor at Innua Petrochem Ltd

“All Chemical has positively impacted our outage timelines. Their team is top-tier, and driven by customer service. They have given us considerable peace of mind, cost efficiency, and productivity increases.”

-Joe Olivet, Material Analyst at Con Edison

“All Chemical responds – almost immediately – to any issue that arises. Thanks to their customer service, reliable transportation, and eager and knowledgeable fleet, we are able to provide more bulk deliveries to our customers.”

-Donald Long, Logistics Coordinator and TMS Manager at Brenntag Northeast

“All Chemical is a great partner. Their booking process is seamless, and they ensure happy customer deliveries. The team is attentive, flexible, and personable.”

-Allyson Emmel, Truck Coordinator at Nutrien

“All Chemical shines with their reliability and quick response times. Scheduling is quick and easy, and loads get delivered on time with well trained drivers!”

-Diana Palomino, Railcar Supervisor at Pencco Inc

We are proud of our employees and their customer-first mentality. Whether you speak with customer service, dispatch or drivers, our employees are looking out for your best interest and have the expertise to complete the job at hand.  When you partner with us, you will always have a dedicated point of contact from start to finish. We go above and beyond for our customers, providing weekend and late night service hours.
