All Chemical Celebrates 45 Year Milestone

As we all make our way further into the holiday season, there’s a different kind of celebration taking place at All Chemical. While the world anticipates the joy of winter festivities, we are ushering in a milestone of our own. 

On November 30th, we celebrated our company’s 45th anniversary!

This milestone has us reflecting on our history: where we began, the values that formed us, and the successes and challenges we’ve met along the way. 

In short, we’re celebrating everything that brought us to where we are today as one of the leading, most trusted names in our industry.

It All Starts With Values

When our founder, Steve Quadrel, started All Chemical back in 1978, he modeled the company after the guiding values of his family’s business, Quadrel Brothers (already an early leader in the bulk liquid transportation industry): 

  • Unparalleled customer service
  • Exceptional quality
  • Early adopters of innovation
  • Excellence in partnership

These were values that had become synonymous with the Quadrel name. So, when it came time to form the All Chemical leadership team and establish its company culture, Steve knew what to do. He’d lead with those values and watch the company expand and flourish, one relationship at a time.

Satisfied customers spread the word of our exemplary services, our dedication to meeting customers’ needs, and our exacting safety standards. Soon, our reputation solidified: All Chemical was known as a highly trustworthy bulk liquid transportation company that never hesitated to go the extra mile for those we served. 

Taking Care of Our People

You don’t need to work with us long to learn: We’re all about taking excellent care of our people, whether that’s our staff or our customers. 

How do we do this for customers?

  • We have a “yes, and” mentality when it comes to meeting our customers’ needs. Where other companies might keep to pre-determined limits, our policy is that there’s nothing we can’t, won’t, or don’t do for our customers. 
  • We’ll work under weekend and off-hours time crunches to make sure we get the job done right. 
  • When issues arise, we don’t quit; we just brainstorm solutions! 

This leads to surprising innovations and levels of adaptability that keep us competitive and relevant, operating right at the cutting edge of our industry. In turn, our wonderful customers stay loyal to us, trusting us time and again with their portfolios of chemicals. They know that with us, they are always treated as our top priority. 

And we don’t just do this in response to immediate needs. We also consider our customers’ long-term needs, anticipating these based on each customer’s array of services on offer. That way, when a new need arises, they don’t have to look any further afield. We’re already one step ahead, well situated to offer the services they didn’t know they were going to need. 

In everything we do, we maintain short-term operational growth while simultaneously developing long-term strategic objectives to ensure sustainability far into the future.

A big part of this is how we treat our own team. Good businesses are built from the ground up, and that means taking care of your people. At All Chemical, we intentionally cultivate a positive employee culture, which naturally leads to a motivated team. 

Leadership has been in our teams’ shoes, having to problem-solve and exercise ingenuity in demanding circumstances. That’s why we lead with empathy and an open-door policy. It’s important to us to stay in touch with what our team needs and expects from us. 

In return, we err on the side of over-communication, so our workers understand all of our policies, protocols, and the reasons behind them. This, we have found, ensures the best safety outcome for all concerned.

In addition to those guiding values mentioned above, we’re also dedicated to maintaining a level of professionalism and courtesy that is no longer standard in the trucking industry. Because of how loyal we are to our team, our drivers take pride in their jobs. We ensure they have top-of-the-line equipment they feel safe to drive, and we provide them with competitive pay and benefits.  

Being an All Chemical team member makes our employees stand taller, secure in the knowledge that we’ve got their backs. 

Keys to Our 45 Years of Success

So, what key accomplishments have proved the most pivotal to our lasting success?

  • Our Lakewood, NJ property. All Chemical entered a new level of success with the acquisition of the 20-acre lot that is now our company headquarters. Property ownership gave us the critical foundation required to develop our exceptional one-stop-shop services, through the construction of our wash bays and wastewater facilities.
  • We expanded the reach of our business to ISO container storage. This meant drastically augmenting our wash rack and adding on further service offerings, causing us to grow into the self-sufficient bulk liquid transportation carrier we are today.
  • Our Kosher certification forms our third key accomplishment. While we ship throughout the continental U.S. and even parts of Canada, here in our local sector—the Northeast corridor—no other companies besides us provide certified services for transporting raw Kosher materials. This is a critical gap, since communities in need of these services are a growing and vital part of our world. They deserve trustworthy, certified carriers who can transport the materials they need while meeting all Kosher Law requirements.

Heartfelt Thanks as We Look to The Future

We’ve seen the industry change during these past four decades and watched many bulk liquid transportation companies rise and fall, unable to adapt in the face of a shifting landscape. But here at All Chemical, our deep commitment to our customers—and our willingness to go above and beyond to meet their needs—has kept us innovating and thriving.

This anniversary, we reflect on the contribution of our employees (past and present), our vendors, and our loyal customers, and we say “Thank you.” We appreciate your contribution to our success and look with great optimism to what the future has in store.